11 Best Prayers for Exam Success (Before Taking an Exam, for a Friend, etc)

Exams can be stressful. They require you to draw on your knowledge from an entire course, a full year, or sometimes even longer.
It’s natural to feel overwhelmed when taking on such a significant challenge! No matter how well you know the material or how much time you’ve spent studying, saying a prayer before taking a test can help you feel more self-assured and confident.
Prayers can help you focus, release your worries, and make positive changes.[1] As a student, this can mean breaking free from distractions, feeling less test anxiety, and renewing your dedication to your studies.
Prayers can also be helpful when a friend or family member is taking an exam. Keeping them in your prayers can encourage them and help them feel supported.
You can substitute the person’s name in place of “me” or “my” in most of the prayers below if you’re praying for someone else.
Below, we have 11 prayers for those taking exams.
“Heavenly Father,
Only your peace can sustain me through the anxiety and stresses of exam nerves.
Your peace surpasses all understanding. I ask for this gift and choose to lean upon you at this time.
Lord, come and remind me of your unfailing love.
Remind me that you hold me safe, you understand me, and you cherish me.
I lay down my fears before you. I leave them at the foot of the cross, for you have overcome the world.
I choose to give you all my concerns, worries, and fears of failure.
I trust that your loving hand will hold me through these exams and lead into a bright future.
Be with me as I take this exam.
Keep my mind alert and my memory sharp.
Calm my nerves and help me concentrate.
I know that you walk with me,
Guiding my path and inspiring my heart.
I pray that I will feel you with me,
And that your friendship would soften the pressure I feel.
I pray that I will pass this exam and go on to new things with you.
Thank you for your peace and your love in my life.
Thank you for your kindness and care for me.
Please calm my nerves and help me focus on this exam.
Help me concentrate and recall all that I have learned.
I pray that I will pass this exam and continue on this path to fulfill Your plan for my life.
I release my worries with the knowledge that You are my loving Father and will lead me into a bright future.
“Come still my heart, O Lord
Calm my nerves and focus my mind.
Father, I lay before you everything I have studied.
May I channel all that I have learned into this exam.
Please give me the faith to believe I can pass this test,
Yet the peace to know that all is well.
Thank you that you are with me no matter what the result,
Thank you that your friendship is eternal.
I pray that you will help me pass this exam.
Thank you for your guidance in leading me to this study and sustaining me as I have worked for this qualification.
I ask now that your spirit would lead me.
Come sharpen my thinking and help me to excel in this test of my learning and understanding.
May I be able to recall everything I need from my studies and answer each question well.
“Loving Heavenly Father,
As I sit here waiting to take this exam, I ask that You would be with me throughout the entire time.
Fill my heart, Lord, with Your peaceful serenity. I pray that my mind may think clearly throughout the exam and that I may answer the questions well.
Lord, I pray that I may sense Your peace in my heart as I apply myself to the challenges of today.
Enable me to focus my attention appropriately on each question throughout the entire examination and bring to my mind all that I have learned over the last months, I pray.
Thank You, Lord, that You are always there. In Jesus’ name I pray,
“Lord, thank you that you are with me right now.
Your love surpasses all fear.
I give you the anxiety I feel.
I surrender all my worries to you.
Clear my mind,
Calm my heart,
Still my spirit,
Relax my being,
That I may always glorify you
In everything I write, speak, and do.”[3]
“Lord, I have done my best. I now lay this exam and the result at the foot of the cross.
Thank you that this is a place of grace where I can find rest.
Thank you that I am safe beside you, Jesus and that you are with me no matter what lies ahead.
Thank you that I travel with you and live in your blessing.
“Lord God,
Thank you for this opportunity to learn new skills and stretch my understanding.
Thank you for guiding me through this time of study into the final exams.
I lay before you all the hopes and fears I have about the outcome.
May you place a peace within me now as I rest and await the results.
Thank you that I am safely held in your love.
Thank you that whatever happens in the future, I will live in your goodness and walk with you always.
This is a stressful season, and I’m overwhelmed by the mountain of work ahead of me, yet I trust in you.
I know that when I put my faith in you, even when it’s as small as a mustard seed, miracles can be accomplished.
I pray that as I study in these coming weeks, as I soak up knowledge and memorize facts, as I read and process and write, you will renew my mind and strengthen my spirit.
Help me to persevere through the massive to-do lists and the busy schedules, and help me to keep my eyes fixed on you throughout it all.
As I enter my classrooms and exam rooms, I pray you will blanket me in your peace. Ease any anxieties, calm my restless mind, and give me focus on the task at hand.
I pray that I will know my worth is in you alone, not in any grade I do or do not make, not in any assignment or test or teacher’s opinion. I pray that I will fear your presence during my exams and that I will be comforted by your nearness.
Thank you for the gift of this education, Jesus. I pray that these final exams will be a celebration of all I have learned in this season and that I will be grateful for all that I have experienced and for all the ways I have grown.
May you be glorified, Lord.
“All-powerful Father,
As I prepare for my upcoming exams, please take away my worry.
You have taught me to give all my worries to You. I know You will take care of me and be with me.
As I cleanse my mind of worry, I pray that I focus on more important values like my love for You.
Turn my worry into power, Lord. Give me the confidence to succeed and faith in myself to do well.
In Jesus’ comforting name,
If you practice Catholicism, find more options specific to your faith on our list of Catholic prayers for students taking tests.