17 Most Helpful A.A. Night/Evening Prayers
Though the official title wasn’t used until years later, Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) began in 1935 as the result of a meeting between a stockbroker and a surgeon who were both looking for a way to beat alcoholism.[1]
By 1950, the group had helped over 100,000 alcoholics to recover worldwide.[1] The number of members reached millions in the coming decades.[2]
In recent years, research performed at the Stanford School of Medicine has determined that Alcoholics Anonymous is often one of the most effective ways to stay temperate.[3]
This is due to the fellowship it provides and the opportunity to hear and learn from others’ stories.[3]
Below, you’ll find a variety of A.A. night prayers perfect for any member, as well as ways to personalize them.
- God, tonight I will be grateful. I will give thanks for the past day — its failures as well as its successes, its sadness as well as its joy, and its pain as well as its pleasure. I will take comfort in knowing that every event and circumstance that occurred today can be used for my good and the good of others.[4]
- Father in Heaven, please give me the power to keep my resolve to myself and to others through the night. I pray my actions will help to prepare me for a successful day tomorrow and that I will always remember to look to You when my strength alone is not enough.
- God, I pray that I may be shown all through the night and coming days what my next step is to be. I pray that I may be given whatever I need to take care of such problems. I ask especially for freedom from self-will. I ask that I be given strength if only to help others through their struggles.[5]
- Father, I pray for patience with myself and the strength to overcome my weaknesses. I pray that I will receive understanding and forgiveness from others as I continue this journey to freedom. Most of all, I pray that I will remain on the path to recovery. Amen.
- My creator, I ask that You show me the way of patience, tolerance, kindliness, and love. Amen.[6]
- God, tonight I will be humble. I will give my shortcomings to You, trusting that doing so can bring about changes in me that I could not bring about by myself.[4]
- Lord, I pray your spirit, your light, your peace, and your love will be with me in the coming days. I pray that I will be able to forgive myself and others and that I will be stronger than my fears and my dependencies, that I can draw closer to You always and build my own best self. Amen.
- Dear Lord, thank you for letting me lean on You this day. Please fill my heart with your healing love and the power of your strength in the coming days so that I may live the life You planned for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.[7]
- Thank you, Lord, for all You’ve blessed me with this day, for your mercy and forgiveness, for your presence in my life. I pray You will continue with me on the path to recovery, that my life will be filled with your light and peace, and that I can share it more fully with others.
- Lord, continue to help me defeat my greatest enemy when I wake, the doubts that live inside my own mind. Give me the strength I need to keep my back straight and my eyes clear, so that when this life fades, my eternal spirit may return home to You.[7]
- God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardship as the pathway to peace. Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it, trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will, that I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen.[8]
- Dear Lord, I pray this night that You will please turn my weakness into strength. Transform my suffering into compassion and turn my sorrow into lasting joy. Transform pain into comfort I can provide to others. Allow me to trust in your goodness and find hope in faithfulness, even in the midst of this dependency.[9]
- Lord, tonight I will accept that I have done the best I could, remembering that my goal is spiritual progress and not perfection. I will let go of any expectations I had for this day, as well as any disappointment, shame, or guilt I felt for not being perfect today.[4]
- My Creator, I am now willing that You should have all of me, good and bad. I pray that You now remove from me every single defect of character which stands in the way of my usefulness to You and my fellows. Grant me strength as I go out from here to do Your bidding. Amen.[8]
- Dear God, help me turn my spirit towards You more fully so that I can find the strength to overcome my problems. Forgive my doubts and fears of today, and fill me with your love and strength for tomorrow. In Jesus’ name, amen.[7]
- God, forgive me when I have been resentful, selfish, dishonest, or afraid today. Help me not to keep anything to myself but to discuss it all openly with another person — show me where I owe an apology and help me make it. Help me to be kind and loving to all people. Remove worry, remorse, or morbid reflections that I may be of use to others. Amen.[10]
- God, I surrender to You my past, my present, and my future problems. I humbly ask that You will help me to take hold of my life. I surrender to You my hurt, my pain, my worry, and my doubt. I humbly ask that You help me to endure all things with You by my side.[7]
How to Personalize Your AA Evening Prayers
Prayer is different for everyone, just as everyday struggles and needs vary from one person to the next, so you may prefer to personalize a prayer from our list or come up with your own.
Here, you’ll find suggestions to help you find the right words to say.
- Include the things for which you’re thankful. If you’ve experienced a great victory or blessing, consider including it in your prayer. Even if you had an average day, give thanks for what you were able to accomplish. Gratitude has been proven to help reduce stress and improve your emotional well-being.[11]
- Ask for strength to face the difficulties that lay ahead. If you’re dreading an upcoming event or task, consider praying for strength and perseverance in facing it.
- Be honest with yourself and the Lord. Evening prayers are your time to reflect on the day — the good and the bad. They’re a time for you to be completely transparent about your wishes, successes, failures, and anxieties. God won’t judge you for any decisions or struggles you’re facing, so use the opportunity to express your feelings thoroughly.
- Consider the needs of others. If you’ve noticed someone else struggling, mention this in your prayer. They’ll likely find it comforting to hear you’re praying for them and it may open new opportunities or inspiration for helping them get through it.