Top 17 Short “Missing You” Poems

A sheet of paper with the words "Miss You." typed on it with a typewriter

The art of creating poetry is as old as history itself — even appearing in the primal forms of modern-day languages.[1]

Medical studies show that poems can be a powerful stimulus for an emotional response by engaging our brain’s reward circuitry.[2]

So significant is poetry to human culture that, in celebration, UNESCO proclaimed March 21st World Poetry Day. The Academy of American Poets has also deemed April to be National Poetry Month.[3]

One of the best things about poetry is that, no matter the length, it can convey everything in your heart. Even a few short lines of poetry can have a powerful impact.

Below, we have the list of short “missing you” poems. Share one with someone who’s weighing heavily on your heart or recite them to yourself for comfort.

We also offer tips for writing your own poems below the list.


I heard someone whisper your name.

When I turned around to see who it was,

I found myself alone.

Then I knew,

it was my heart missing you.[4]


In the solace of midnight,

your absence is like winter weather.

I count the moments, longing for the time,

when we’ll once again be together.


My heart aches without end,

longing for your sweet embrace.

When you’re not here,

time moves at such a wretched pace.


I hide my tears when I say your name,

but the pain in my heart is still the same.

Although I smile and seem carefree,

there’s no one who misses you more than me.[5]


When I’m missing you, I walk to the river’s edge.

Frozen or free-flowing, it soothes me;

sends me back to our small adventures.

Stargazing. Fireflies. All-day swimming. Long goodbyes.

No matter how cold it is outside, our summers warm me,

and we’re together again.

-Heather Grace Stewart[6]


I miss you every day.

But today it feels like everything I do,

is just here to remind me,

I am living without you.[5]


Come home soon, my dear.

I will be waiting here.

I dream about the day you’re home,

and then I won’t feel so alone.[7]


I miss the way,

you make me feel.

I miss knowing,

our love is real.[8]


I miss your smile, your joking ways,

I miss the things you used to say.

And when old times I do recall,

it’s then I miss you most of all.[4]


I wish I could spread my wings wide,

to be with you right by your side.

I wish I could fly home to you.

I know it’s what you’re wishing too.[8]


Though time and distance separate us,

our love knows no bounds.

With every longing beat of my heart,

my love for you resounds.


The sugar doesn’t seem as sweet when you’re not here to kiss me.

The stars above don’t shine as bright when you’re not lying with me.

My hands are cold without your touch and my body seems to shiver.

I wait for you to return to me so we can get warm together.[6]


Empty rooms, echoes of your voice,

memories of your presence,

haunt me like a sacred hymn.

How I ache for your essence.


I imagine the clouds miss you as much as I do,

and the rain pouring down is their tears.[9]


I’m missing you,

with all my heart.

I cannot stand,

to be apart.[8]


Like a…

day without sunshine, morning without coffee,

song without beats, life without memories,

rainbow without color, forest without trees,

this is how empty I feel when you’re not with me.[10]


When sleep is very hard and rare,

when I wake up and you’re not there,

when days are long and nights are cold,

when I think of how I’m growing old,

when I lay there cold and low,

I remember how I miss you so.[10]

How to Write Your Own Poem

When writing poetry, keep in mind that there’s no right or wrong way to do it.

You don’t have to rhyme or use a special format. All that’s necessary is to express your thoughts and feelings in an artistic way.

Below, you’ll find more helpful tips for writing your own poem:

  • Include a powerful or emotional memory. If a time you shared with the one you’re missing stands out in your mind, try using it as inspiration for your poem. If you’re sharing the poem with someone, they may have the same flood of emotions when reminded of this memory.
  • Consider your desired outcome, if any. If you’re hoping to reconcile with someone or at least to see them again, make that part of your poem. Whatever you hope to accomplish, make sure it’s clear in the poem so the receiver knows this is about more than just missing them.
  • Brainstorm without thinking or planning ahead. Sit down and write your feelings exactly as they come to you. Could they be rewritten in the form of a poem or part of a poem? Also, consider using any phrases or strong emotional words you’ve written down as inspiration for your poem.
  • Test out a few metaphors. Does it feel like you’re living in the dark or a weight is pressing against you? Make a list of metaphors to represent your feelings of missing someone and see if you can work them into your poem.
  4. “Love Poems Missing You Quotes,” Quotes Gram[][]
  5. “I Miss him Poem,” Online Shop[][]
  6. “40 Beautiful Long Distance Relationship Poems,” Mom Junction[][]
  7. “12 I Miss You Poems,” Short Poems and Quotes[]
  8. “Short Missing You Poems Postcards,” Zazzle[][][]
  9. “10 Short Poems About Rain,” Silence is Beauty[]
  10. Adapted from “I Miss him Poem,” Online Shop[][]

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